Blake Cannavo – Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Blake is an accomplished Chief Operating Officer with more than 25 years’ experience in the mining and construction sectors with companies including Fortescue Metals Group, Lihir Gold Limited and Aquila Resources.
He has been responsible for delivering a diverse range of projects valued up to $10B in Asia Pacific, South Africa, the UK and Europe. A competent strategist, Blake has a proven track record in developing innovative plans and activities to ensure that projects are delivered on schedule and budget.

James Walker – Non Executive Chair
James is an experienced leader in commercialising technology in new markets, with roles as a Non-Executive Chair, Director and Chief Executive of ASX-listed companies. He also has deep experience as a Chief Financial Officer for a UK, AIM-listed technology company as well as executive roles in other growth companies.
He is currently a non-executive chair BluGlass (ASX: BLG) and a non-executive director at Digital Wine Ventures (ASX: DW8).
James has over 25 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant, company secretary and senior executive of various high growth private companies. James has successfully completed multiple ASX IPOs, corporate acquisition transactions, secondary round raises on both the ASX and UK AIM markets and private capital raises.
James thrives on scaling businesses, commercialising technology and building new global markets, with extensive experience across a wide range of international high growth businesses, including deal-tech, data-driven customer experience, sensor systems, mining technology services, automotive, aviation, biotechnology, hotel telemarketing, drone detection and security sectors.

Philip Gardner, FAICD, CPA, B.Comm (Newcastle) - Non-Executive and Independent Director
Philip brings a long and diverse range of experience to his position as non-executive director of the company. As a CPA and Fellow of the AICD, he has the technical skills to provide balance to the board’s strong industry-specific competencies.
With 28 years’ experience as a CEO and 20 years as a director of public, private, government and not for profit organisations, he brings the oversight and risk management experience to support the NMR team through its listing and life as a public company.
Philip has had a non-executive director career across the health, infrastructure and tourism industries.
He spent twelve years on the NIB Limited (ASX NHF) board from its listing as a small cap health insurer to become, at the time of his resignation, an organisation with a market cap of over three billion AUD and substantial international operations.
Philip chaired or has been a member of the following ASX listed company committees; Audit & Risk Management, Remuneration, Investment, Nominations.
Philip is currently the CEO of The Wests Group Australia and the Knights Rugby League Pty Ltd.

Natalie Teo, BCom, MAcc - Company Secretary
Natalie is an experienced company secretary and has provided corporate advisory, company secretarial, and financial reporting services to ASX-listed, unlisted public, and private companies. She has played key roles in a variety of corporate transactions, including capital raisings, acquisitions, IPOs, and takeovers. “I enjoy collaborating with boards and committees to develop practical solutions for compliance and governance issues. Assisting clients with best practice governance and stakeholder management is particularly rewarding.” A Chartered Secretary, Natalie was previously a Senior Associate at a boutique corporate advisory firm, where she delivered company secretarial and accounting services to both listed and unlisted entities.