NMR’s Palmerville Project comprises nine exploration permits in the highly prospective Chillagoe Formation, which has hosted multiple porphyry gold-copper and polymetallic deposits including the Red Dome, Griffiths Hill and Mungana.
NMR aims to develop the Leane’s copper-gold prospect within EPM 11980. Additionally, the Palmerville Project area holds 66 potential copper-gold mineralisation occurrences that warrant further investigation. Following initial desktop studies NMR has prioritised several targets, including:
- Priority 1: Leane’s Prospect
- Priority 2: Glenroy, Fairlight, Bald Hill Prospects
- Priority 3: All other prospects

Leane’s Prospect
Drilling at Leane’s has confirmed the presence of copper-bearing breccia and porphyry intrusions. The geological environment, including structure and mineralisation, encountered through drilling at Leane’s is considered anomalous to that found in the early stages of exploration at the Mungana, Griffiths Hill and Red Dome deposits.

Glenroy Prospect
The Glenroy Prospect comprises the Glenroy and Fairlight prospects, each hosting historical small copper-gold mines and mineral occurrences. Mineralisation is associated with the basalt-dominated Chillagoe Formation, with historical workings aligning with a discrete magnetic high that may be the alteration signature due to magnetite or pyrrhotite. Previous exploration has identified widespread copper and gold stream anomalies, yet the areas remain relatively underexplored.

Bald Hill
The Bald Hill and Mountain Creek prospects lie in the central part of the Palmerville Project on EPM 18325, 10km south of Leane’s. Exploration is focused on the delineation of porphyry copper-gold, skarn and volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) copper-gold, lead and zinc style deposits within the highly prospective Chillagoe Formation. Bald Hill is a discrete magnetic high associated with a microgranite plug. Immediately south of Bald Hill, the historic Mountain Creek copper workings appear to lie on a north-westerly trending structural zone.