Western Australia Projects
NMR holds four tenements in the highly prospective Eastern Goldfields in Western Australia.
The region is well known for its greenstone hosted mineralisation, however, there is renewed interest in Intrusion-hosted, narrow vein gold mineralisation owing to numerous recent discoveries, particularly in the Kalgoorlie-Leonora region where NMR is also successfully exploring.
The tenements are in prospective intrusive rocks, close to operating mines and offer great opportunity to make significant new discoveries.

NMR are actively exploring several key target areas defined by previous exploration which includes rock chip samples of up to 34.8 ppm. The gold-bearing samples define a zone over 250m long trending NE-SW. The target vein is hidden by shallow cover at either end.
NMR have already begun to re-define the geology on the Music Well tenement and have recently had major success as demonstrated by:
- Repeatability of high-grade samples collected by previous explorers. NMR are confident that the recent assay results on rock chip samples, including one sample exhibiting grades of over 100g/t Au, are evidence for a nuggety style gold vein system at Music Wells.
- In addition to high grade rock chips, NMR carried out a trial sampling whereby larger (10-34kg) samples were collected, crushed and visual check for gold made after panning. Every one of the fourteen samples returned visible gold. The larger samples were used as a visual check only as a means of avoiding the sampling issues associated with small rock chips in “nuggety” veins.
The NE and SW extents of the target vein dip under very shallow (20-50cm thick soil cover so the full extents have yet to be mapped out, but quartz veins crop out again several hundred meters along strike to the southwest.

Music Well
The Music Well project is made up of two tenements (E37/1362 and E37/1363) covering an area of approximately 290 km2 in a high-priority part of the Yilgarn where intrusion-hosted gold mineralisation in the same host intrusive rocks has been demonstrated in high-grade historic open pit gold mines located less than three kilometers west of E37/1362 and only 20km west of the priority Music Well target area.
The availability of new datasets and new interpretations as well as the presence of multiple positive gold indicators places NMR in a unique position to quickly and effectively define the gold-bearing areas in the region and remain outcomes-focused in 2021.
NMR are actively exploring several key target areas defined by previous exploration which includes rock chip samples of up to 34.8 ppm. The gold-bearing samples define a zone over 250m long trending NE-SW. The target vein is hidden by shallow cover at either end.
NMR have already begun to re-define the geology on the Music Well tenement with the identification of poly-deformed metamorphic rocks (referred to in the Yilgarn as “Greenstones”) in what has historically been considered homogeneous granites.

NMR have had similar success at a second vein where a 30g sub-sample (charge) taken from a milled large sample returned a grade of 15.51g/t Au in a region where historical assays on rock chip samples returned grades of over 20 g/t Au.
NMR have demonstrated that the previously obtained high-grade samples characterizing some of the quartz veins on E37/1362 are repeatable and that the veins show evidence of nuggetty style gold mineralisation.

Arcoona and Mt. Vetters
The two southern project areas being explored by NMR are Mt Vetters and Arcoona. The western margin of the Mt Vetters prospect contains several nickel targets and overlaps a highly prospective nickel belt. The eastern part of the tenement, like Music Wells, Is very highly prospective for intrusion-hosted narrow vein gold mineralisation. Recent successful field work at Music Wells have led NMR geologists to develop an advanced understanding of the style of mineralisation and therefore how to mere efficiently target gold mineralisation. The Arcoona Project occupies a similar position to the Music Wells project whereby greenstones located along the margin of the granite offer a source for mineralisation on structures that cross-cut and terminate in the margin of the intrusion. The entire eastern margin of the Arcoona tenement offers opportunities to undertake new and proven targeting methodologies for intrusion-hosted narrow vein gold mineralisation.